Continued from previous page
The 11th century Rabbi Shlomo Itzchaki (also known as RASHI) and other rabbinic commentators give some insight. Rashi says "there is in this expression v'yirdu the meaning of dominion and the meaning of subservience. If he (man) is found worthy, he has dominion over the beasts and cattle. If he is not found worthy, he becomes subservient before them and the beast rules over him."
In 1984, Bible scholar Claus Westermann stated: "...dominion over the animals cannot mean killing them for food. ... Dominion over the animals certainly does not mean their exploitation by humans. People would forfeit their kingly role among the living were the animals to be made the object of their whim."
How does a faith community interpret “dominion” today? What does it mean to 'rule over' in the context of Genesis 1 before humans became disobedient? How should we 'rule over' God's creation?
If we believe that animals suffer horribly in factory farms and if we believe that we support their abuse with the money entrusted to us (or make money serving them as food), if we believe greed and gluttony are sins, then our generalizations to rationalize God's approval about eating meat (even if God is thanked for their lives of torture and is asked for His blessing on them), then I believe it's a sin of ignorance or indifference.
Aren't we to glorify God in everything we do and say or at least try to if we truly love God and others? Unfortunately our seminaries and church leaders don't include in their dialogues the billions of animals that suffer daily while creationism and evolution are still being discussed (Darwin himself questioned his own theory), rather than the morality of the food we put in our mouths on a daily basis?
We would do well do read Amos 6:3-4 and Numbers 11 to get an idea of God's thoughts. The old song 'Let peace begin with me' has some truth to teach us as we begin to thank God and Jesus, the Prince of Peace, for what we eat. Are we going to believe The Way, The Truth, and The Life, or the Father of Lies, who has been deceiving us for centuries? Being made in God's image, let's strive to be compassionate children and true followers of Jesus.
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